Monday, November 8, 2010

am i retired yet?

it feels like i should be sometimes.
more so today because i have already eaten dinner and it's just 6pm.
i am not retired, i am far from it. i actually have no idea how i will ever be.
i think I'd be good at it. just like I'd be really good at being rich.

i am feeling the light change in the way i do most years.
like someone hog tied me and plunged me into ice cold water. but upside down, so my face is up and out of the water, gasping for breath and trying to keep from freezing.
this is somewhat softened when i am under the spell of 5-HTP and Tyrosine, doing their level best to assure me that it's perfectly natural for the sun to go down this early and for my digits to feel the wrath of the increasing cold.
it generally works. usually after i freak out in many different ways and then realize it is just the season. no one. i repeat, NO ONE living in New England makes enough vitamin D for this.

it makes me more aware of needing a hobby that doesn't involve walking anywhere or going outside at all. and yet, my body thinks that after eating dinner before most people get home from work, i should then retreat to the bedroom.
this is where my coveted turquoise velour suit is kept.
if the soft and forgiving legs and arms of this fantastic 2 piece even brush against me, i have been adequately seduced into cozing around my house for the night.
snacking, lounging, perhaps with some Malbec or trance inducing folky lullabies.
all the while, in the back of my noggin, wondering, when is it coming back? the light? the ability to have freedom of movement and ease.

well, we have a while still, folks. and i for one, am keeping vigil for the day when things turn around. December 21st.

so that's it really. i just wanted to spill out a bit of this clamor in my brain.
i hope you are feeling warm and fairly, if not fully, satisfied.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh Hai there.....

Wow. (she says sarcastically) i managed 5 blogs total for my last stay.
i think i was busy doing other things, like surviving.
For an update on the happenings of that area of my life, i am happy to report that i am idling at a level of 3 times higher than high normal - which is miraculous as a concept for me, given my own history with this struggle. This means it worked. and you helped.
YOU helped ME.
thank you.

i am back at it. on a lower level and without urgency. it feels lovely.

However, this new chapter is not about that. It's about everything. or anything.
this also feels easy and natural and authentic to who i am. more all encompassing and connection driven.
Since we last spoke, MANY things have happened.

in order.
-at the end of my stay in AZ, my Mom almost died. really.
during this brief and emergent time i was the caretaker of my Stepfather. we were allotted these 3 days to arrive at a truce of sorts. an understanding. a 'you are ok with me' moment. we fully and wholeheartedly did this naturally. a gift that i am most thankful for.
-Seth and i embarked on the journey of home ownership! we found it, we saw it, we offered asking price...and we didn't get it. Until we did get it. because the first offer fell through leaving us up to bat as the back up. It was excruciating for me as a being. Voluntarily stepping into a world that i purposely stay quite far from. deadlines, money, fake smiles and concern, and meaningless busy work. In the end it was, of course, worth it. $220,000 worth it. Furthermore it is on Love Lane.
-17 days after closing on the house, i received an expected call from my Mom, letting me know that there was nothing more that anyone could do for Doug and that all treatment for his aggressive lymphoma had ceased. i flew out 3 days later and 15 minutes after i arrived at the house, he passed on. took his last breaths. HE waited for ME. He was wearing his Hawaii shirt, since he'd never been and had always wanted to go. He is now where ever it is that we ascend to and i assure you that we do ascend, i could feel his soul leave his body. We spent the next days doing what you do when people die. Crying and paying money and planning and eating and ...driving 1500 miles with a corpse in a U-Haul trailer? yep. we. did.
Honoring his last wishes we drove up from Arizona to Iowa to lay him down in the state of his birth. It's seriously astonishing that we got there.
We stayed in his family's century farm, with 17 farm cats and an amazing Farm All tractor collection. I ate pork sausage twice a day for 3 days, other meals included beef and cakes.
There were corn and hogs as far as the eye could see. i was a fish out of water.
-on the first of August, i returned home. i don't think I've ever been quite as grateful as the moment i fell into the arms of my sweetie at the gates of Logan Airport that evening. I chattered the entire drive, holding onto him and remembering where i was every so often. Something about him was different, something that people like me can see. We came to our new house that i had spent hardly 3 weeks in. He was VERY excited to show me our newly converted shower, which i aggressively insisted be fixed upon my return. I was shell shocked and disoriented and emotionally husk-like, so none of these proceedings seemed the least bit strange. He put on Richard Buckner and ushered me into the prepared bathroom, which was lit up by candles and covered in rose petals. Still, unfazed, i remarked at it's beauty. He wanted to look at the shower and watch how it worked. after trying the knobs and having no luck, he got in the tub to turn on the water in the back. i was quite concerned that he was going to get wet and warned him of this numerous times. After reaching behind and pulling out a hand towel, he unveiled what had been awaiting us since we'd met, a beautiful engagement ring! he knelt in the bathtub and poured out his heart. I could hear drops of this pouring, but most of it was drowned out by my own mumbles and shrieks. Although unable to take in all of these words because of my then harried state, i made it known that the answer was YES and we went off to sushi to talk about the rest of our lives.

so. there it is in a nutshell.
i felt the need to write this morning so i decided to start back up, but wanted to assure that you knew what you were getting into before i rambled on again about whatever unsuspecting crossed my path.
i hope you are all living fully and lovingly.
i am doing my best.